A pet Honey Badger next to a human sitting at a pool. Yet another human has decided that they should try to keep a Honey Badger as a pet. Will humans ever learn the dangers of living with such a deadly animal? We still don't know the fate of Vernon, the human, who claimed he found a deadly Honey Badger and tamed it as his pet. It's unlikely Vernon still believes that about … [Read more...]
Cassowary: The Honey Badger of Birds
A cassowary, the Honey Badger of birds, attempts to kill a human. The cassowary is a very shy but deadly bird. This dangerous bird has been known to kill other animals, including humans and other large mammals. This brave man attempts to agitate the cassowary with a stick, and the large flightless bird wants nothing to do with that. The cassowary attempts its typical … [Read more...]
John Green and The Crazy Truth of The Honey Badger
John Green explains The Crazy Truth of The Honey Badger. … [Read more...]
Honey Badger as a Pet
Man attempts to keep Honey Badger as a pet. Watch the full video below. As you can see they are very busy animals, and they don't really like to be held like this. Attempting to imprison the fearless Honey Badger as a pet seems like a crazy and dangerous move for a human. Nonetheless, this man named Vernon has taken one captive and is attempting to keep him as a pet named … [Read more...]
Honey Badger Hidden Camera
Source: DailyMail / Africa On Foot / Mercury Press When Honey Badger wants something, can he be stopped? While unlikely, this caretaker tried to prevent a honey badger from tearing apart his garbage. He added a "badger proof" lock to the pantry, hoping that the Honey Badger would give up or look elsewhere. Naturally, the Honey Badger barely noticed, as he picked the lock, … [Read more...]