Apparently the geniuses at Disney think Honey Badger is not that great. They think the Honey Badger cannot survive fire, volcanoes, or extraordinary predators. Surely, they are underestimating one of nature's greatest citizens. Disney for whatever reason does not believe that Bunga the Honey Badger is immune to volcanoes and other mortal threats. … [Read more...]
Top 13 Teen Reactions to Honey Badger
Watch as teens discuss their opinion of National Geographic's Honey Badger video. Here are the top 13 teen quotes about Randall's narration of the National Geographic video about the Honey Badger. … [Read more...]
The Crazy Nastyass Honey Badger
Honey Badger catching his prey. Watch the full hilarious video below. The Crazy Nastyass Honey Badger was uploaded four years ago on YouTube. A classic video of the fearless Honey Badger in his natural element with comedic narration. Some say he's a true bad-ass. How will he handle a deadly cobra snake? What about a colony of bees? Does Honey Badger give a shit about any of … [Read more...]